A picturesque course with a fun and friendly vibe for all abilities.

HAI Events brings you the
Torquay Triathlon.
Kick off your tri season with the Torquay Triathlon! Swim, bike, and run your way along the stunning Torquay coastline.

Start your race day at first light with us at Fisherman’s Beach for the Swim Leg!

The Bike Leg, a flat course that showcases the picturesque coastline of Torquay!

Get your crew to cheer you on as you sprint along the stunning foreshore path of the Run Leg, just don’t forget to look up and enjoy a world class view!
A picturesque course with a fun and friendly vibe for all abilities.
Why triathlon?

Margery Smith
Triathlon is not only about the training for competition but also the amazing and supportive community that is all inclusive.

Jeremy Peacock
Whether you are completing your first or you’re a seasoned triathlete, completing a triathlon offers an incredible sense of accomplishment that can transform your perspective on fitness and personal goals. The challenge of completing three sports is what drew me to triathlon and keeps me motivated each and every day.

Tristan Mioni
The triathlon community is incredible. Completing events with friends is so much fun and it’s a great way to enjoy a fitness journey together. You always get the biggest buzz crossing the finish line and chatting with new and old mates after the race.

Penny Nevill
Triathlon represents a unique opportunity to train alongside like-minded individuals while continually challenging myself in each session. I greatly appreciate the sense of community it fosters, as well as the chance to travel and explore remarkable locations around the world.

John Allen
Perhaps one of the great appeals of triathlon as a sport is that with the 5 year age brackets, this provides one time in life when one looks forward to getting older. Hence with the World Championships in Wollongong next year I shall once again be a youngster competing in the 80-84 age group, where I shall be racing to maintain my World Championship title in Olympic Distance Triathlon.

Andrew Letts
From short course to endurance, triathlon is a sport where the physical preparation has an internal dialogue with willpower, mindset and mental strength. And after years of competing, I still get the jitters just putting on the wetsuit.